Thursday, 3 April 2008

Blinkx- and you missed it?

"What do you want to watch online - and how do you want to watch it? That's been the nagging question we in the broadcasting business have been asking recently - and it is an even bigger puzzle for those who have poured big money into internet video, from Joost to Babelgum, from YouTube to" Taken form 'Blinkx - another way with web video' Rory Cellan-Jones BBC website



Joe Carbonaro said...

Sir, How Do Internet Search Engines like Google and Blinx Make Money? I noticed here there was a lot of convergence between Television and Internet. Check My Blog, as i have done Something recently about the Convergence between Social Networking and Online Gaming. Joe Carbonaro

Anonymous said...

Mostly to do with Advertising Joe. Bringing you to the advertiser.