Wednesday, 5 December 2007

Homestudy- Due in Wednesday 12th

This is a tough task but will be worth the hard work (and there is a reward!). It is due to be completed for Wednesday 12th Dec.

Click the title "Homestudy- Due in Wednesday 12th". It will bring you to the 'Testimony of Sir Timothy Berners-Lee given to the
United States House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce (01- 03-07)

Read it...Probably best to cut/ paste / print.

Summarise the testimony to 500 words and then add your response to the testimony (100 words). (total 600) Your completed task must be added to your blog by lesson 4 dec 12th. You must also include a picture or youtube clip to the task.

Good luck. This is the last Homestudy of this term.

The reward is in the links section on the right.


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