Wednesday, 28 March 2007

YR 12 Action Film Analysis

Here is the 2006 action film exam extract. I will add some more soon but use this to practice your textual analysis skills. Remember the question never changes.
The most recent examiners report gave the following advice
• Make useful detailed notes on the extract
• Identify moving image language techniques accurately
• Select appropriate examples from the extract to discuss – you do not have to cover the
whole extract or every example
• Analyse why/how these aspects are used to create meaning for the spectator, deconstruct
what you see and hear, explain function, purpose and effect
• Refer closely to the set extract – no generalised analysis of action adventure films nor
reference to what you might know about the rest of the film
• Cover all five aspects – do not miss one out
• Avoid just describing what happens – do not just give a descriptive chronological
commentary – analyse and interpret.


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